Pau d’Arco (Lapacho) Tea

The favourite medicine of the Kallawaya shaman healers, Pau d’Arco (Lapacho), also called the “Tea of the Incas”, is made from the bark of the purple Lapacho tree, which grows high up in the Andes.

It is highly acclaimed for its immune system benefits and reputedly helps fight cancer!



The favourite medicine of the Kallawaya shaman healers, Pau d’Arco (Lapacho), also known as the “Tea of the Incas”, is made from the bark of the purple Lapacho tree, which grows high up in the Andes.

Lapacho has been used for thousands of years by South and Central American indigenous peoples to treat a number of ailments, including infection, fever and stomach complaints. It is known to have immune system-boosting benefits and is said to have proven effective against some kinds of cancer!

Our Lapacho is ethically sourced and is in the form of pure bark. It has a uniquely woody, yet pleasant scented taste, and is best prepared by boiling 1 heaped tablespoon per 500ml water for 5 minutes, then sweetening with honey.

Additional information

Weight 150 g
Dimensions 34.5 × 16 × 4 cm