The Many Names of Dongfang Meiren: A Story of Nature’s Sweet Surprises

Dongfang Meiren, also known as Oriental Beauty, is a high-quality oolong from Taiwan with a fascinating story. Legend has it that a farmer in Hsinchu County returned to his fields only to find his tea crop had been attacked by tea jassids, a type of greenfly. What could have been a disaster turned into an […]

Oriental Beauty and the Tea Jassid

Meet the insects who a play an active and vital role in the cultivation of this rich Taiwanese Oolong.  Taiwan is renowned for producing some of the finest oolongs in the world, and one of the most intriguing and delicious is Oriental Beauty. Also known as Dongfang Meiren or Bai Hao, this tea is cultivated […]

Morimoto Sencha & Climate Change

Meet the Morimotos. A family of tea growers who are meeting the climate emergency with innovation and ingenuity.  We at Tchai-Ovna, take immense pride in sourcing the finest loose-leaf teas from around the world. Today, we’re delighted to introduce you to a gem from Japan: Morimoto Sencha Okumidori. Harvested from early April to June, Sencha is […]